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Always the best and most sustainable technology.
We use production technologies, designs which is the best fit for the project.
On the other hand we are always keen to try out new ideas.

FB Textile, with its experienced team in its three units, technological infrastructure, has offered fast and high quality production facilities to its customers.  With 500 employees and an average production capacity of 12 million minutes per month, FB continues its production activities in İzmir and Van. FB Textile's newest and largest capacity was put into operation in 2023 in Van.

FB Textile has cooperated with Efatech Software Company in order to always keep what they do in their production facilities at the highest level and to offer offers for their defects. All productivity, quantity and band outputs can be monitored instantly.

FB Textilel, which is in the production activities of different companies, has brought long distances closer by establishing a strong logistics network. For FB, pre-production and logistics are the most important activities.

Our partners in
production technologies

FB Textile uses Efatech software for production and planning. The software ensures that the methods are calculated and time plans are made for production operations. It can centrally perform capacity, resource planing and production-line balancing of all factories.

Gerber cutting solution is designed for both maximum throughput and precision cutting of any type of fabric. Equipped with intelligent software and smart sensors, Gerber improves cutting efficiency and the overall quality of the finished product.
EDS is a system to provide follow-up and control in all productions from product design to delivery. It provides the best control in the consumption and business process by gathering info from all departments from production to sales, performance management, finance and financial affairs under a single roof.

FB Textile has various softwares to suit every need and purpose.

The key is finding the right tool, improve them for FB Textile's needs and run the business more efficiently.

Modern textile manufacturers employ progressively more sophisticated methods and use a variety of different fibers. The quality and durability of fabrics are directly affected by the quality of fibers, correct choice of dyes and colorants, and the use of appropriate manufacturing processes.

We have in house laboratory for tests for all modern textiles.

Our fabric quality control and testing laboratory ensure that the products meet required quality standards.