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Social Responsibility

Our Policies
Ensuring a good workplace environment is essential to improve productivity
and protect emotional wellness of employees.

This regulation and its requirements are based on our company values and internationally recognised standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the main conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), as well as the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. As FB Textile, we believe that the most important indispensable during the implementation of this Code of Conduct is to maintain the principle of TRANSPARENCY between us and our Brand partners and Suppliers and we believe that this will further strengthen our commitment to our partnerships in the supply chain.

This Code of Conduct applies to employees in all production units of FB Textile.

The articles in FB DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş. 'Social Standards' comply with the Turkish Labour Law, International Labour Organization, Occupational Health, and Safety Regulation, ETI Basic Terms and Conditions and the social compliance rules of the brands we work with. No uninsured workers are employed in any way.

FB DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş. follows a zero-tolerance policy on child labour in all production units. In all production units, workers above the legal minimum age or at least 15 years old can be employed (whichever of the specified conditions is higher).

All FB Dış Ticaret production units do not employ employees for forced labour such as involuntary, prisoner, contractual, slave, indebted labour. 

Our workers are not discriminated against in any way in recruitment, termination of employment contracts, labour relations, disciplinary practices, working conditions, and any kind of discrimination and/or harassment and abuse by any employee, manager, customer, guest, supplier of goods and services of our company and persons who are not employees of our company are not tolerated.

FB Dış Ticaret employees are valued and respected. No employee may be subjected to sexual, physical, psychological or any other from of harassment or abuse.

In all production units of FB Dış Ticaret, the minimum legal minimum wage determined by the laws of the country is paid. Equal wage policy is applied for equal work. Overtime payments and other legal rights are provided in accordance with the provisions of the law in force.

In all production units of FB Dış Ticaret, regular working hours and overtime limits are observed within the framework of laws and regulations. At least one day off is allowed for every seven days of working time.

FB Dış Ticaret respects the freedom of its employees to organise or join workers associations to the extent permitted by law.

FB Dış Ticaret production facilities are obliged to comply with all laws and regulations regarding workplace conditions such as occupational health and safety, structural integrity and building safety, fire, electrical safety, mechanical safety, risk assessment and sanitation. A hygienic, healthy and safe working environment is provided to workers. Employees are allowed to report complaints and suggestions regarding the working environment within the scope of the wish complaint procedure and our open policy.

FB Dış Ticaret complies with the legal regulations and principles regarding bribery and corruption in all countries in which it operates and is represented, as well as the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, which Turkey signed on 17/12/1997. Within the scope of this basic principle, FB Tekstil acts with a 'zero tolerance' approach to bribery and corruption and undertakes to carry out its activities in accordance with fair, honest, legal and ethical rules. Payments made to speed up business, accepting or offering bribes are prohibited and cannot be tolerated.

FB Dış Ticaret audits that all suppliers and subcontractors it works with comply with all the above-mentioned policies and rules.